It's not everyday you get a chance to start fresh. It's not everyday, in music, you get to be in control of your own creativity. It's certainly not everyday you get to do both on the same day.
In what seems like a sweet daydream, we, JJXO, Jeremy Haffner and myself, Stephen Cohen, forge new ground by releasing our newest foray into the musical ether today. With our focus set clearly on the horizon, we pause to hold dear today, the real beginning to the next thing. The new. For years we pushed, pulled, carried, and dredged Oedipus around the world experiencing the highest of highs and lowest of lows. And, amidst and despite that roller coaster ride, the weight of what should be, what's supposed to happen next, what everyone outside the band thought that we should do, the tiny pilot light of true human creativity never snuffed out.
In January 2013 we fanned that flame, cultivating that new nucleus of vision and sonic depth. It was tiny, then. A question-mark shaped fuse flickering in the unknown. Only the two of us saw the potential for this spark to engulf us, set aflame our souls and carry us into the foray of a brand new world of music. We spent the first three months of the year musing about what these songs, written on acoustic guitars could really become. In April it became clear and we jammed on the gas pedal. Three months after that and dozens of songs later, six fully produced songs were born.
Today we officially release our debut EP "Split Lip Serenade." It's free because, that same freedom we feel from knowing it's coming straight from us, the way we wanted it to sound with no concessions, no compromises and no external pressure, we wanted you all to feel. It's a sense of community seldom experienced. We're not forcing it upon you...requiring you spend money to validate it to yourselves or to us.
The music, the EP, JJXO is invaluable to us. To put a price tag on the music would be to debase it by assigning a dollar value to our vision, creativity, our productivity and our soul. That would be unfair. We allow you to contribute money, to fund, support, sponsor this project not put money in our pockets or to illustrate the worth of the music, but to become a part of the process. There are tangible costs to creativity and production and we need to pay for them and you can help by donating. It's simple but TRULY important for us to express that your donations, any money you choose to pay for the music is not for the purpose of 'owning' the music because we and you already own it together. It's simply your way of saying 'I want in. I want more. I want you...and WE can do this together.'
Enjoy Split Lip Serenade. Download it at HERE. Share it, please, with everyone you know. Burn it for people. Send it to people. Play it in your car. But most of all, play it for yourself, so that, maybe, for a moment you discover something new about you and become one of us.
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